Elements  6.2
A C++ base framework for the Euclid Software.
ElementsKernel Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for ElementsKernel:


directory  _impl


file  Attribute.h [code]
 define the __attribute__ macro if it doesn't exist for some version of GCC
file  Auxiliary.h [code]
 provide functions to retrieve auxiliary files
file  Configuration.h [code]
 provide functions to retrieve configuration files
file  Deprecated.h [code]
 define the ELEMENTS_DEPRECATED macros for API evolution
file  EnableGMock.h [code]
 Google Mock helper classes.
file  Environment.h [code]
 Defines a class to handle the Environment.
file  Exception.h [code]
 defines the base Elements exception class
file  Exit.h [code]
 define a list of standard exit codes for executables
file  Export.h [code]
 defines the macros to be used for explicit export of the symbols
file  FuncPtrCast.h [code]
 defines a Small helper function that allows the cast from void * to function pointer
file  Kernel.h [code]
 defines the collection of fundamental macros from Export.h, Likely.h and Deprecated.h
file  Likely.h [code]
 defines macros for better branch guessing
file  Logging.h [code]
 Logging facility.
file  Main.h [code]
 Definition of the top macro to create an Elements program.
file  MathConstants.h [code]
 A few math constants.
file  Memory.h [code]
 provide functions to retrieve configuration files
file  Module.h [code]
 Defines tools to describe the current Elmeents module.
file  ModuleInfo.h [code]
 OS specific details to access at run-time the module configuration of the process.
file  Number.h [code]
 Casting with the correct (closest) rounding.
file  Off64Type.h [code]
file  Path.h [code]
 provide functions to retrieve resources pointed by environment variables
file  PathSearch.h [code]
file  PhysConstants.h [code]
file  Program.h [code]
 define an abstract class for all Elements program
file  ProgramHeaders.h [code]
file  ProgramManager.h [code]
file  Project.h [code]
 Defines tools to describe the current project.
file  Real.h [code]
 Floating point comparison implementations.
file  SimpleProgram.h [code]
file  Sleep.h [code]
file  Storage.h [code]
file  Stringify.h [code]
 provide macros to convert a preprocessor constant into a string
file  System.h [code]
 This file is intended to iron out all the differences between systems (currently Linux and MacOSX)
file  SystemBase.h [code]
file  SystemOfUnits.h [code]
 Definition of the common units based on MKSA.
file  Temporary.h [code]
 Handling of temporary files, directories and environments.
file  ThisModule.h [code]
 header to get the module info statically
file  Unused.h [code]
 Macro to silence unused variables warnings from the compiler.
file  Version.h [code]
 Software version handling.