Elements  6.2
A C++ base framework for the Euclid Software.
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ElementsKernel: The Kernel Module of the Elements Framework

Core CMake, C++ and Python utilities. More...

Collaboration diagram for ElementsKernel: The Kernel Module of the Elements Framework:




class  BoostTestAdapter
class  GoogleMockSetupFixture
class  Elements::Environment::Variable
 proxy class to overload the assignment More...
class  Elements::Environment
 Python dictionary-like Environment interface. More...
class  Elements::Exception
 Elements base exception class. More...
class  Elements::Logging
 Logging API of the Elements framework. More...
class  Elements::Program
 Abstract class for all Elements programs. More...
class  Elements::ProgramManager
 Class for managing all Elements programs. More...


#define __attribute__(x)
#define ELEMENTS_DEPRECATED   __attribute__((__deprecated__))
#define ELEMENTS_DEPRECATED_MSG(msg)   __attribute__((__deprecated__(msg)))
 Dummy definitions for the backward compatibility mode. More...
#define LIKELY(x)   x
#define UNLIKELY(x)   x
#define _xstr(s)   str(s)
#define _str(s)   #s
#define ELEMENTS_UNUSED   __attribute__((unused))


enum  Elements::ExitCode : int {
  Elements::ExitCode::OK = 0, Elements::ExitCode::NOT_OK = 1, Elements::ExitCode::USAGE = 64, Elements::ExitCode::DATAERR = 65,
  Elements::ExitCode::NOINPUT = 66, Elements::ExitCode::NOUSER = 67, Elements::ExitCode::NOHOST = 68, Elements::ExitCode::UNAVAILABLE = 69,
  Elements::ExitCode::SOFTWARE = 70, Elements::ExitCode::OSERR = 71, Elements::ExitCode::OSFILE = 72, Elements::ExitCode::CANTCREAT = 73,
  Elements::ExitCode::IOERR = 74, Elements::ExitCode::TEMPFAIL = 75, Elements::ExitCode::PROTOCOL = 76, Elements::ExitCode::NOPERM = 77,
  Elements::ExitCode::CONFIG = 78
 Strongly typed exit numbers. More...


ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::Kernel::getAuxiliaryVariableName ()
 retrieve the variable name used for the auxiliary file lookup More...
ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::Kernel::Auxiliary::getVariableName ()
 alias for the getAuxiliaryVariableName function More...
template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API Path::Item Elements::Kernel::Auxiliary::getPath (const T &file_name, bool raise_exception=true)
 alias for the getAuxiliaryPath function More...
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< Path::ItemElements::Kernel::Auxiliary::getLocations (bool exist_only=false)
 alias for the getAuxiliaryLocations function More...
ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::Kernel::getConfigurationVariableName ()
 retrieve the variable name used for the configuration file lookup More...
ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::Kernel::Configuration::getVariableName ()
 alias for the getAuxiliaryVariableName function More...
template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API Path::Item Elements::Kernel::Configuration::getPath (const T &file_name, bool raise_exception=true)
 alias for the getAuxiliaryPath function More...
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< Path::ItemElements::Kernel::Configuration::getLocations (bool exist_only=false)
 alias for the getConfigurationLocations function More...
static void Elements::Environment::checkOutOfRange (const std::string &)
 check that the variable is in the environment More...
template<typename DESTPTR , typename SRCPTR >
DESTPTR Elements::System::FuncPtrCast (SRCPTR ptr)
 Cast from void * to function pointer. More...
template<typename TargetType , typename SourceType >
ELEMENTS_API TargetType Elements::numberCast (const SourceType &s)
 this function is a number cast. It behaves exactly as a static_cast except when casting from a floating point number to an integral one. This one is doing the correct rounding. More...
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< ItemElements::Kernel::Path::getLocationsFromEnv (const std::string &path_variable, bool exist_only=false)
 function to get the locations from an environment variable More...
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< ItemElements::Kernel::Path::getLocations (const Type &path_type, bool exist_only=false)
 function to get the locations for the specific type More...
template<typename T , typename U >
ELEMENTS_API Item Elements::Kernel::Path::getPathFromLocations (const T &file_name, const std::vector< U > &locations)
 retrieve path from a file name and a set of location to look into More...
template<typename T , typename U >
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< ItemElements::Kernel::Path::getAllPathFromLocations (const T &file_name, const std::vector< U > &locations)
 retrieve all the paths from a file name and a set of location to look into More...
template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API Item Elements::Kernel::Path::getPathFromEnvVariable (const T &file_name, const std::string &path_variable)
 retrieve path from a file name and an environment variable to look into More...
template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::Kernel::Path::joinPath (const std::vector< T > &path_list)
 collate a vector of path into a string using PATH_SEP More...
template<typename... Args>
ELEMENTS_API auto Elements::Kernel::Path::join (Args &&... args) -> decltype(joinPath(std::forward< Args >(args)...))
 alias for the joinPath function More...
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< ItemElements::Kernel::Path::splitPath (const std::string &path_string)
 split a string into a vector of path using PATH_SEP More...
template<typename... Args>
ELEMENTS_API auto Elements::Kernel::Path::split (Args &&... args) -> decltype(splitPath(std::forward< Args >(args)...))
 alias for the splitPath function More...
template<typename T , typename U >
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< ItemElements::Kernel::Path::multiPathAppend (const std::vector< T > &initial_locations, const std::vector< U > &suffixes)
 path join each suffix to each initial locations More...
template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< ItemElements::Kernel::Path::removeDuplicates (const std::vector< T > &path_list)
 remove duplicated paths keeping the order More...
template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API std::vector< T > Elements::Kernel::pathSearch (const std::string &searched_name, T directory, SearchType search_type)
 Searches for a file or a directory in a directory. The search can be recursive (SearchType.Recursive) and in that case more than one results can be return. More...
static const ModuleInfoElements::System::getThisModuleInfo ()
 function to retrieve the current module More...
constexpr std::uint_least64_t CALC_PROJECT_VERSION (const std::uint_least64_t maj, const std::uint_least64_t min, const std::uint_least64_t pat)
 Mangle major, minor and patch version number into a single integer. More...
ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::getVersionFromSvnKeywords (const std::string &svnUrl, const std::string &svnId)
 Function returning a version string extracted from SVN keywords. More...
ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::getVersionString (const unsigned short major, const unsigned short minor, const unsigned short patch=0)
 Function converting the version numbers into a string. More...


const ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::Kernel::Path::PATH_SEP {":"}
 Separator of path entries. Usually ":" on Unix. More...
const ELEMENTS_API std::map< Type, const std::stringElements::Kernel::Path::VARIABLE
 map containing the name of the path variable for each type More...
const ELEMENTS_API std::map< Type, const std::vector< std::string > > Elements::Kernel::Path::SUFFIXES
 map containing the default project installation suffixes for each variable More...
const ELEMENTS_API std::map< Type, const std::vector< std::string > > Elements::Kernel::Path::DEFAULT_LOCATIONS
 map containing the default external locations for each variable More...
const ELEMENTS_API std::map< Type, const bool > Elements::Kernel::Path::HAS_SUBLEVELS
 map containing the sub-level property of the path components More...

Detailed Description

Core CMake, C++ and Python utilities.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __attribute__

#define __attribute__ (   x)

Definition at line 32 of file Attribute.h.

◆ _str

#define _str (   s)    #s

Macro to convert a preprocessor constant into a string.

Definition at line 40 of file Stringify.h.

◆ _xstr

#define _xstr (   s)    str(s)

helper macro

Definition at line 34 of file Stringify.h.



Macro that declares a program manager with all the needed arguments. It is typically called from the MAIN_FOR(ELEMENTS_PROGRAM_NAME, MANAGER) macro.

ELEMENTS_PROGRAM_NAMEname of the main program class, derived from the class Elements::Program class.
MANAGERname of the manager variable to be created.

Definition at line 67 of file Main.h.



Macro that declares a program manager with custom constructor arguments. It is typically called from the MAIN_FOR(ELEMENTS_PROGRAM_NAME, MANAGER) macro.

ELEMENTS_PROGRAMcall of the main program constructor, derived from the class Elements::Program class.
MANAGERname of the manager variable to be created.

Definition at line 52 of file Main.h.



Dummy definitions for the backward compatibility mode.

Definition at line 74 of file Export.h.



Definition at line 41 of file Main.h.


#define ELEMENTS_DEPRECATED   __attribute__((__deprecated__))

This macro create a warning message for a deprecated function or class

Definition at line 35 of file Deprecated.h.


#define ELEMENTS_DEPRECATED_MSG (   msg)    __attribute__((__deprecated__(msg)))

This macro create a warning message for a deprecated function or class This version takes a msg as argument. This message will be displayed together with the deprecation warning.

Definition at line 44 of file Deprecated.h.



Definition at line 76 of file Export.h.



Definition at line 75 of file Export.h.



Definition at line 77 of file Export.h.


#define ELEMENTS_UNUSED   __attribute__((unused))

This macro is there to

  • allows to pass the argument name, even if it is not used. it will silence the compiler warning about this
  • It's a bit better that the ugly gcc form. Until the nice [[]] will be the mainstream syntax.
  • we can also hide compiler specific attribute here
ElementsExamples/src/program/CCfits.cpp, and ElementsExamples/src/program/SimpleProgram.cpp.

Definition at line 39 of file Unused.h.



Definition at line 104 of file Auxiliary.h.



Definition at line 100 of file Configuration.h.



Definition at line 279 of file Path.h.



Definition at line 90 of file PathSearch.h.



Definition at line 79 of file Storage.h.


#define LIKELY (   x)    x

Macro for compiler branch optimisation. To be used when is x condition is more likely to happen that the other one

Definition at line 41 of file Likely.h.


ELEMENTS_API int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { \
auto program = ELEMENTS_PROGRAM(); \
Elements::ExitCode exit_code = program.run(argc, argv); \
return static_cast<Elements::ExitCodeType>(exit_code); \

Macro which must be used to create a main in classes that derived from Elements::SimpleProgram, i.e., these derived classes must end with the following line:



ELEMENTS_PROGRAMname of the main program class, derived from the class Elements::SimpleProgram class.

Definition at line 79 of file SimpleProgram.h.



Macro which must be used to create a main in classes that derived from Elements::Program, i.e., these derived classes must end with the following line:


The macro is equipped with a set_terminate placed just before the main function definition:

That handler will do a smooth catching of any exception raised in the run part of the program and call std::abort().

ELEMENTS_PROGRAM_NAMEname of the main program class, derived from the class Elements::Program class.
ElementsExamples/src/program/CCfits.cpp, ElementsExamples/src/program/Program.cpp, and ElementsExamples/src/program/SimpleProgram.cpp.

Definition at line 113 of file Main.h.


ELEMENTS_API int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { \
Elements::ExitCode exit_code = manager.run(argc, argv); \
return static_cast<Elements::ExitCodeType>(exit_code); \

Macro which must be used to create a main in classes that derived from Elements::Program, i.e., these derived classes must end with the following line:


. The macro is equiped with a set_terminate placed just before the main function definition:

That handler will do a smooth catching of any exception raised in the run part of the program and call std::abort(). This version allows the passing of the Elements::Program constructor arguments

ELEMENTS_PROGRAMname of the main program class, derived from the class Elements::Program class.

Definition at line 87 of file Main.h.


#define UNLIKELY (   x)    x

Macro for compiler branch optimisation. To be used when is x condition is less likely to happen that the other one

Definition at line 42 of file Likely.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ExitCode

enum Elements::ExitCode : int

Strongly typed exit numbers.

This has to be used with the MAIN_FOR macro There is no clear universal specification for exit codes. Every system has more or less its convention. Please have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exit_status. These exit codes do exist for this very documentation. They allow a minimal communication with the batch framework. This gives a clear answer to the caller without the need of parsing the output of the executable. Notes:

  • by default (without any implementation), the uncaught signal produces an exit code of 128+signal value. Please have a look at "man 7 signal". For example the good old SIGSEGV (11) would trigger a system generated exit code of 139 = 128 + 11
  • we can use the exit code range [1,63] to define our own specific codes. Which should be less general that the ones below and reflect the behaviour of our own code.
    • OK : Everything is fine
    • NOT_OK : Something went wrong. This should be the default value for any unspecified failure.
  • the numbers used below are extracted from the header file /usr/include/sysexits.h
    • USAGE : The command was used incorrectly, e.g., with the wrong number of arguments, a bad flag, a bad syntax in a parameter, or whatever.
    • DATAERR : The input data was incorrect in some way. This should only be used for user's data & not system files.
    • NOINPUT : An input file (not a system file) did not exist or was not readable. This could also include errors like "No message" to a mailer (if it cared to catch it).
    • NOUSER : The user specified did not exist. This might be used for mail addresses or remote logins.
    • NOHOST : The host specified did not exist. This is used in mail addresses or network requests.
    • UNAVAILABLE : A service is unavailable. This can occur if a support program or file does not exist. This can also be used as a catchall message when something you wanted to do doesn't work, but you don't know why.
    • SOFTWARE : An internal software error has been detected. This should be limited to non-operating system related errors as possible.
    • OSERR : An operating system error has been detected. This is intended to be used for such things as "cannot fork", "cannot create pipe", or the like. It includes things like getuid returning a user that does not exist in the passwd file.
    • OSFILE : Some system file (e.g., /etc/passwd, /etc/utmp, etc.) does not exist, cannot be opened, or has some sort of error (e.g., syntax error).
    • CANTCREAT : A (user specified) output file cannot be created.
    • IOERR : An error occurred while doing I/O on some file.
    • TEMPFAIL : temporary failure, indicating something that is not really an error. In sendmail, this means that a mailer (e.g.) could not create a connection, and the request should be reattempted later.
    • PROTOCOL : the remote system returned something that was "not possible" during a protocol exchange.
    • NOPERM : You did not have sufficient permission to perform the operation. This is not intended for file system problems, which should use NOINPUT or CANTCREAT, but rather for higher level permissions.

Everything is OK.


Generic unknown failure.


command line usage error


data format error


cannot open input


addressee unknown


host name unknown


service unavailable


internal software error


system error (e.g., can't fork)


critical OS file missing


can't create (user) output file


input/output error


temp failure; user is invited to retry


remote error in protocol


permission denied


configuration error

Definition at line 97 of file Exit.h.

Function Documentation


constexpr std::uint_least64_t CALC_PROJECT_VERSION ( const std::uint_least64_t  maj,
const std::uint_least64_t  min,
const std::uint_least64_t  pat 

Mangle major, minor and patch version number into a single integer.

Definition at line 35 of file Version.h.

◆ checkOutOfRange()

void Elements::Environment::checkOutOfRange ( const std::string index)

check that the variable is in the environment

Definition at line 286 of file Environment.cpp.

References Elements::Environment::hasKey(), and std::stringstream::str().

Referenced by Elements::Environment::unSet().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FuncPtrCast()

template<typename DESTPTR , typename SRCPTR >
DESTPTR Elements::System::FuncPtrCast ( SRCPTR  ptr)

Cast from void * to function pointer.

Small helper function that allows the cast from void * to function pointer and vice versa without the message

*   warning: ISO C++ forbids casting between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object

It is an ugly trick but works. See:

Definition at line 55 of file FuncPtrCast.h.

◆ getAllPathFromLocations()

template<typename T , typename U >
ELEMENTS_API std::vector<Item> Elements::Kernel::Path::getAllPathFromLocations ( const T &  file_name,
const std::vector< U > &  locations 

retrieve all the paths from a file name and a set of location to look into

file_namefile name to look for. Can be of the form "Some.txt" or "Place/Some.txt"
locationsvector of locations to look into
Template Parameters
Ttype of the file name. Can be anything that can be converted to a boost filesystem path. In principle either std::string or path.
Utype of the location. Can be anything that can be converted to a boost filesystem path. In principle either std::string or path.
all the found paths

◆ getAuxiliaryVariableName()

string Elements::Kernel::getAuxiliaryVariableName ( )

retrieve the variable name used for the auxiliary file lookup

the standard variable name: ELEMENTS_AUX_PATH

Definition at line 41 of file Auxiliary.cpp.

References Elements::Kernel::Path::auxiliary, and Elements::Kernel::Path::VARIABLE.

Referenced by Elements::Kernel::Auxiliary::getVariableName().

◆ getConfigurationVariableName()

string Elements::Kernel::getConfigurationVariableName ( )

retrieve the variable name used for the configuration file lookup

the standard variable name: ELEMENTS_CONF_PATH

Definition at line 41 of file Configuration.cpp.

References Elements::Kernel::Path::configuration, and Elements::Kernel::Path::VARIABLE.

Referenced by Elements::Kernel::Configuration::getVariableName().

◆ getLocations() [1/3]

std::vector< Path::Item > Elements::Kernel::Configuration::getLocations ( bool  exist_only = false)

alias for the getConfigurationLocations function

same as getConfigurationLocations

Definition at line 76 of file Configuration.cpp.

References Elements::Kernel::getConfigurationLocations().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLocations() [2/3]

std::vector< Path::Item > Elements::Kernel::Auxiliary::getLocations ( bool  exist_only = false)

alias for the getAuxiliaryLocations function

same as getAuxiliaryLocations

Definition at line 80 of file Auxiliary.cpp.

References Elements::Kernel::getAuxiliaryLocations().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLocations() [3/3]

vector< Item > Elements::Kernel::Path::getLocations ( const Type path_type,
bool  exist_only = false 

function to get the locations for the specific type

This function return the raw locations for the given type. It doesn't add the internal locations which are not in the variable (like /usr/lib for the library type)

path_typetype of the path
exist_onlyif true returns only existing locations. by default it is set to false.
return a list of boost filesystem paths

Definition at line 88 of file Path.cpp.

References Elements::Kernel::Path::getLocationsFromEnv(), and Elements::Kernel::Path::VARIABLE.

Referenced by Elements::Kernel::getAuxiliaryLocations(), and Elements::Kernel::getConfigurationLocations().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLocationsFromEnv()

vector< Item > Elements::Kernel::Path::getLocationsFromEnv ( const std::string path_variable,
bool  exist_only = false 

function to get the locations from an environment variable

This function return the raw locations pointed by the environment variable. It doesn't add the internal locations which are not in the variable (like /usr/lib for the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable)

path_variablename of the environment variable
exist_onlyif true returns only existing locations. by default it is set to false.
return a list of boost filesystem paths

Definition at line 70 of file Path.cpp.

References std::vector< T >::begin(), std::vector< T >::end(), std::vector< T >::erase(), std::remove_if(), and Elements::Kernel::Path::split().

Referenced by Elements::Kernel::Path::getLocations().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getPath() [1/2]

template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API Path::Item Elements::Kernel::Auxiliary::getPath ( const T &  file_name,
bool  raise_exception = true 

alias for the getAuxiliaryPath function

file_namefile name of the auxiliary file to be found.
raise_exceptionenable the raising of an exception if the file is not found
same as getAuxiliaryPath

Referenced by Elements::Services::DataSync::confFilePath(), and Elements::Examples::CCfits::mainMethod().

◆ getPath() [2/2]

template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API Path::Item Elements::Kernel::Configuration::getPath ( const T &  file_name,
bool  raise_exception = true 

alias for the getAuxiliaryPath function

file_namefile name of the configuration file to be found.
raise_exceptionenable the raising of an exception if the file is not found
same as getAuxiliaryPath

◆ getPathFromEnvVariable()

template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API Item Elements::Kernel::Path::getPathFromEnvVariable ( const T &  file_name,
const std::string path_variable 

retrieve path from a file name and an environment variable to look into

file_namefile name to look for. Can be of the form "Some.txt" or "Place/Some.txt"
path_variablename of the environment variable
Template Parameters
Ttype of the file name. Can be anything that can be converted to a boost filesystem path. In principle either std::string or path.
first match of the file stem

◆ getPathFromLocations()

template<typename T , typename U >
ELEMENTS_API Item Elements::Kernel::Path::getPathFromLocations ( const T &  file_name,
const std::vector< U > &  locations 

retrieve path from a file name and a set of location to look into

file_namefile name to look for. Can be of the form "Some.txt" or "Place/Some.txt"
locationsvector of locations to look into
Template Parameters
Ttype of the file name. Can be anything that can be converted to a boost filesystem path. In principle either std::string or path.
Utype of the location. Can be anything that can be converted to a boost filesystem path. In principle either std::string or path.
first match of the file stem

◆ getThisModuleInfo()

static const ModuleInfo& Elements::System::getThisModuleInfo ( )

function to retrieve the current module

It has to be included in the target source and compiled within the module to be identified.


Definition at line 41 of file ThisModule.h.

References Elements::System::ModuleInfo::isEmpty().

Referenced by Elements::Examples::getModuleInfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getVariableName() [1/2]

string Elements::Kernel::Configuration::getVariableName ( )

alias for the getAuxiliaryVariableName function

same as getAuxiliaryVariableName

Definition at line 68 of file Configuration.cpp.

References Elements::Kernel::getConfigurationVariableName().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getVariableName() [2/2]

string Elements::Kernel::Auxiliary::getVariableName ( )

alias for the getAuxiliaryVariableName function

same as getAuxiliaryVariableName

Definition at line 72 of file Auxiliary.cpp.

References Elements::Kernel::getAuxiliaryVariableName().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getVersionFromSvnKeywords()

string Elements::getVersionFromSvnKeywords ( const std::string svnUrl,
const std::string svnId 

Function returning a version string extracted from SVN keywords.

ElementsExample/src/program/Program.cpp shows how to use this method to implement a getVersion in a prgram

svnUrlThis is a string that can be filled with the HeadURL svn keywords. Writing #define SVN_URL "SVN $HeadURL$ in a file.
svnIdThis is a string that can be filled with the Id svn keywords. Writing #define SVN_ID "SVN $Id$ in a file.

the svn keywords will be expanded upon the next commit if the svn client is instructed to do this with svn propset svn:keywords 'Id Revision HeadURL' Program.cpp

remove the any reference to SVN for the next major release

Definition at line 34 of file Version.cpp.

References Elements::Kernel::Path::split().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getVersionString()

string Elements::getVersionString ( const unsigned short  major,
const unsigned short  minor,
const unsigned short  patch = 0 

Function converting the version numbers into a string.

This function return either 2 numbers separated with a "." if the patch number is zero. Or 3 numbers separated with a "." if the patch is not zero.

majorMajor version number
minorMinor version number
patchPatch version number
The formatted string with the version numbers
use the unsigned uint16_t instead of short for the next major release

Definition at line 67 of file Version.cpp.

References std::to_string().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ join()

template<typename... Args>
ELEMENTS_API auto Elements::Kernel::Path::join ( Args &&...  args) -> decltype(joinPath(std::forward< Args >(args)...))

alias for the joinPath function

argsForward arguments
same as joinPath

◆ joinPath()

template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API std::string Elements::Kernel::Path::joinPath ( const std::vector< T > &  path_list)

collate a vector of path into a string using PATH_SEP

path_listlist of path to be joined.
collated string

Referenced by Elements::ProgramManager::bootstrapEnvironment().

◆ multiPathAppend()

template<typename T , typename U >
ELEMENTS_API std::vector<Item> Elements::Kernel::Path::multiPathAppend ( const std::vector< T > &  initial_locations,
const std::vector< U > &  suffixes 

path join each suffix to each initial locations

initial_locationslist of initial locations.
suffixeslist of suffixes
full list of each joined item

Referenced by Elements::ProgramManager::bootstrapEnvironment().

◆ numberCast()

template<typename TargetType , typename SourceType >
ELEMENTS_API TargetType Elements::numberCast ( const SourceType &  s)

this function is a number cast. It behaves exactly as a static_cast except when casting from a floating point number to an integral one. This one is doing the correct rounding.

snumber to cast
casted number

Definition at line 48 of file Number.h.

References std::round(), and Elements::Kernel::Units::s.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pathSearch()

template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API std::vector<T> Elements::Kernel::pathSearch ( const std::string searched_name,
SearchType  search_type 

Searches for a file or a directory in a directory. The search can be recursive (SearchType.Recursive) and in that case more than one results can be return.

searched_nameName of the searched file or directory
Template Parameters
Tinput type string or Boost path of the directory in which the search is carried out
directoryThe directory where the search is performed.
search_typeTwo options: SearchType.Local search in directory only SearchType.Recursive search in sub-directories too
A vector of paths of the files found or empty string, if nothing is found

Referenced by Elements::Kernel::pathSearchInEnvVariable().

◆ removeDuplicates()

template<typename T >
ELEMENTS_API std::vector<Item> Elements::Kernel::Path::removeDuplicates ( const std::vector< T > &  path_list)

remove duplicated paths keeping the order

path_listlist of path to uniquify.
deduplicated list of path

◆ split()

template<typename... Args>
ELEMENTS_API auto Elements::Kernel::Path::split ( Args &&...  args) -> decltype(splitPath(std::forward< Args >(args)...))

alias for the splitPath function

argsForward arguments
same as splitPath

Referenced by Elements::Kernel::Path::getLocationsFromEnv(), Elements::getVersionFromSvnKeywords(), Elements::Kernel::pathSearchInEnvVariable(), and Elements::Kernel::Path::splitPath().

◆ splitPath()

vector< Item > Elements::Kernel::Path::splitPath ( const std::string path_string)

split a string into a vector of path using PATH_SEP

path_stringstring containing a list of path separated by PATH_SEP
vector of path

Definition at line 92 of file Path.cpp.

References std::vector< T >::begin(), std::vector< T >::cbegin(), std::vector< T >::cend(), Elements::Kernel::Path::PATH_SEP, Elements::Kernel::Units::s, std::vector< T >::size(), Elements::Kernel::Path::split(), and std::transform().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


const map< Type, const vector< string > > Elements::Kernel::Path::DEFAULT_LOCATIONS
Initial value:
{{Type::executable, {}},
{Type::library, {"/usr/lib64", "/usr/lib"}},
{Type::python, {}},
{Type::configuration, {"/usr/share/conf"}},
{Type::auxiliary, {"/usr/share/auxdir", "/usr/share/aux"}}}

map containing the default external locations for each variable

Definition at line 58 of file Path.cpp.


const std::map< Type, const bool > Elements::Kernel::Path::HAS_SUBLEVELS
Initial value:
{{Type::executable, false},
{Type::library, false},
{Type::python, true},
{Type::configuration, true},
{Type::auxiliary, true}}

map containing the sub-level property of the path components

Definition at line 64 of file Path.cpp.


const string Elements::Kernel::Path::PATH_SEP {":"}

Separator of path entries. Usually ":" on Unix.

Definition at line 44 of file Path.cpp.

Referenced by Elements::ProgramManager::bootstrapEnvironment(), and Elements::Kernel::Path::splitPath().


const map< Type, const vector< string > > Elements::Kernel::Path::SUFFIXES
Initial value:
{{Type::executable, {"scripts", "bin"}},
{Type::library, {"lib"}},
{Type::python, {"python"}},
{Type::configuration, {"conf", "share/conf"}},
{Type::auxiliary, {"auxdir", "aux", "share/auxdir", "share/aux"}}}

map containing the default project installation suffixes for each variable

Definition at line 52 of file Path.cpp.

Referenced by Elements::ProgramManager::bootstrapEnvironment().


const map< Type, const string > Elements::Kernel::Path::VARIABLE
Initial value:
{{Type::executable, "PATH"},
{Type::library, System::SHLIB_VAR_NAME},
{Type::python, "PYTHONPATH"},
{Type::configuration, "ELEMENTS_CONF_PATH"},
{Type::auxiliary, "ELEMENTS_AUX_PATH"}}

map containing the name of the path variable for each type

Definition at line 46 of file Path.cpp.

Referenced by Elements::ProgramManager::bootstrapEnvironment(), Elements::Kernel::getAuxiliaryVariableName(), Elements::Kernel::getConfigurationVariableName(), Elements::Kernel::Path::getLocations(), and Elements::ProgramManager::logTheEnvironment().

static void onTerminate() noexcept
This is the set_terminate handler that is used in the MAIN_FOR macro.
Definition: ProgramManager.cpp:485
Definition: Main.h:87
T set_terminate(T... args)
Definition: Main.h:41
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: cutout.c:31
Class for managing all Elements programs.
Definition: ProgramManager.h:55
static std::vector< std::string > searchDirectories()
Definition: Project.h:77
static std::string versionString()
Definition: Module.h:45
Strongly typed exit numbers.
Definition: Exit.h:97
static std::string name()
Definition: Project.h:42
Dummy definitions for the backward compatibility mode.
Definition: Export.h:74
static std::string name()
Definition: Module.h:42
const std::string SHLIB_VAR_NAME
name of the shared dynamic library path
Definition: System.h:58
std::underlying_type< ExitCode >::type ExitCodeType
Underlying type of the ExitCode class.
Definition: Exit.h:122
static std::string versionString()
Definition: Project.h:46
static std::string vcsVersion()
Definition: Project.h:64
Definition: Main.h:113
Definition: SimpleProgram.h:79
Definition: Unused.h:39