
Astrorama welcomes contributions under almost any form! We do not accept any kind of economical contribution, in case you were wondering, but we look forward testing, bug reporting, feature request, coding, or even just talking nicely of the software.

Asking for help

If you need a hand configuring, or even just compiling, you can open an issue on the trackers or, in the case of SourceXtractor++, a new Discussion can also make sense.

Bugs and feature requests

If you find any issue with the software, please, open an issue on the appropriate repository. Be as descriptive as you can, and for bugs, if possible, test cases that reproduce the issue help immensely.

Code contribution

If you have fixed a bug yourself, or implemented a feature that can be useful to others, please, open a pull request with a description and we will be happy to consider it.

If, however, you want to help but don’t know how, please have a look at the Help Wanted label on the SourceXtractor++ tracker.